Services Currently Offered by A.S.C.O.T Coaching, LLC*
• College coaching (One-to-one; in home)
• Consulting (One-to-one; in-home; school district; professional development)
• Presentations (Can be tailored for school assemblies, professional development workshops, support group meetings, conferences, and more):
- A Letter To My Younger Self + Q&A (Presented to sixth- and eighth-graders for "Autism Awareness Day" at Fox Lane Middle School, Bedford, NY; to Stamford Education 4 Autism, Inc., for "4th Annual Autism Awareness night", Stamford, CT ; to the New Jersey Assembly Appropriations Committee as testimony in favor of Bill A2238, Trenton, NJ; and at the wrap party for the Joey Travolta/Marblejam Kids' Film Camp, Edgewood, NJ.)
- Look Out, Here Comes Tomorrow: Strategies for Transitioning Students with Asperger's Disorder to a College Setting (Presented with Dr. Lynda Geller at Autism New Jersey's 27th AnnualConference, Atlantic City, NJ)
- Asperger's Syndrome and Social Skills: What We Know Now, What Still Has to be Done; Clinical Findings and Valuable Anecdotal Accounts (Presented with Nicole Bollenbach at a professional development workshop for staff in Hunterdon County School District, Flemington, NJ.)
*All services available on a sliding fee scale based on individual financial need.
What Others Have to Say About Amy's Presentations:
Testimonial from Joanne McMahon, Bedford Central School District:
"What better way to celebrate Autism Awareness Month than to hear a firsthand account of the trials, tribulations and triumphs of an individual on the spectrum? I had recently read an article written by Amy Gravino in Autism Spectrum Quarterly and was impressed by her story. So, as we began to plan our offerings to celebrate April as Autism Awareness Month, everyone agreed I should contact Amy.
We were not disappointed. Amy’s presentation afforded the students at Fox Lane Middle School an opportunity to walk a mile in her shoes. The students were truly attuned to her life story. Many were visibly moved by the various episodes of bullying and goading she experienced while in middle and high school. When she concluded her formal remarks, she was more than willing to answer questions, and there was so much interest and so many questions that we ran out of time, much to the dismay of the inquisitive students!
Amy was a huge hit among staff as well, and the entire community felt enlightened and enriched by her visit. Surely the highlight of the day was when we were walking through the halls and a student called out to her, 'We love you Amy!'”
"What better way to celebrate Autism Awareness Month than to hear a firsthand account of the trials, tribulations and triumphs of an individual on the spectrum? I had recently read an article written by Amy Gravino in Autism Spectrum Quarterly and was impressed by her story. So, as we began to plan our offerings to celebrate April as Autism Awareness Month, everyone agreed I should contact Amy.
We were not disappointed. Amy’s presentation afforded the students at Fox Lane Middle School an opportunity to walk a mile in her shoes. The students were truly attuned to her life story. Many were visibly moved by the various episodes of bullying and goading she experienced while in middle and high school. When she concluded her formal remarks, she was more than willing to answer questions, and there was so much interest and so many questions that we ran out of time, much to the dismay of the inquisitive students!
Amy was a huge hit among staff as well, and the entire community felt enlightened and enriched by her visit. Surely the highlight of the day was when we were walking through the halls and a student called out to her, 'We love you Amy!'”
A.S.C.O.T Coaching, LLC
271 Route 46 West, Suite G104
Fairfield, NJ 07004
Phone: (973) 276-9040, ext. 3
E-mail: [email protected]
A.S.C.O.T Coaching, © 2011. All rights reserved.